A voice for disability in CEDAW
  • Ana Peláez enjoys reading a book


An estimated one in five women live with disabilities and the prevalence of disability is actually higher among women than men (19.2 versus 12 per cent). Contributing factors include the lower economic and social status of women and girls, gender-based violence and harmful or gender-discriminatory practices”.

—UN Women

Laws and policies addressing women have traditionally ignored disability. This invisibility has perpetuated the situation of multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination against women and girls with disabilities”.

—General comment No 3, UNCRPD Committee



📃 IDA, Women Enabled, ONCE, CERMI, CERMI Women’s Foundation & IDDC joint statement calling for the election of Ana Peláez to the CEDAW Committee

Support Ana’s nomination for re-election

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
United Nations